Perspectives on the intersection of technology and privacy.
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Contactless Fever Scanning
Contactless fever scanning is a complex subject and many systems being sold are not capable of performing this function. Learn about the basic principles of contactless scanning, as well as what works and what doesn't.
Defeating Facial Recognition Technology
What people think will break face rec systems and what actually will fool them are very different things. Let's look at how asymmetric face paint and hair styles influence performance.
Benefits of Touchless Biometric Technologies
Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the trend towards touchless biometric identification technology had started.
Identity Technology – It’s Really Just Math
Biometric matching may seem like magic, but it's just a bunch of math. Matching is done with a mathematical construct called a template.
Facial Recognition Accuracy - It's Complicated
How accurate are facial recognition systems? Well, they are either terrible or really good, depending on who you ask.
Face Recognition at Live Events
What is the best way to use facial recognition technology at live event venues? Are contactless entries going to be the new normal?
What does a dangerous suitcase look like?
Security theater is when we do things because they make us feel safer, even when they don't work.
More About Biometric Entrance/Exit
Biometric Entrance/Exit is a program designed to capture biometric identification of foreign nationals travelling to the United States.
Facial Recognition Technology at Stadiums
How is face recognition technology appropriately used at the stadiums and arenas used for live public events?
Disneyland and Fingerprints
The Walt Disney Corporation has been an early and enthusiastic adopter of biometric technology for decades.